This time I will inform you how Nescafé / Nestle segmented his market
a company segmenting the market, the company must identify the following variables for
the business market: Personal characteristics of buyers, personal approach,
situational factors, demographics

we find out last week, Nescafe does not sell his product
directly to consumers, first potential distributors like supermarket or big
wholesalers apply a request to become a distributer of Neste. Nestle will study
the company and will take it look if the company will meet the requirements of
Nescafe and after permission of Nestle they can do business and be partners.
This shows us that Nestle is active in the Business market
This shows us that Nestle is active in the Business market
Business market: Individuals or groups that purchase a specific kind of product to resell, use directly in product in other products or ruse in general daily operations
we describe the market of Nestle is will looks like follows
- Nestle only sells his product directly
to distributers if we link potential distributors who have a huge market share
in the Netherlands we can think about Albert Hejin (supermarket) and Hanos
(wholesaler in the food branch)
- Accord to the Requirements of Nestle (Nestle, 2016)
- DMU of Nestle will argue if this
company is a healthy company and will look what kind of benefit it will bring
and what kind of danger it will bring for Nestle. (Nestle cares about the
environment and message the consumers also about it, it is bad for the image if
they will cooperate with distributer who does not care about the environment
for example)
- Undifferentiated strategy:
Using one promotion for the hole market
- Concentrated strategy
Focus on one segment of the market and
leaving the other segments for the competitors
- Differentiated strategy
Target more segments and can use more
promotion on one segmentfor example krehalon focus on quality and service of product
Other example producing underwear for men and woman
I watched different kind of commercial of Nescafe on YouTube,
it maked clear Nescafe want to identify Nescafe with the following slogan ‘It
all start with Nescafe’. Every commercial of Nescafe uses a difficult time in
life and after they drink Nescafe they saw an opportunity how the handle this hard
period. As I found out they are using the same commercial message in different
countries for example India, Pakistan and china.
That’s why I came to the following answer, Nescafe is using an undifferentiated strategy but they are using in China for example Chinese actors but the message is the same.(Youtube , 2016) (Youtube, 2016)
That’s why I came to the following answer, Nescafe is using an undifferentiated strategy but they are using in China for example Chinese actors but the message is the same.
The main criteria what Nescafe can use to segment the market is the STP.
- Segmentation (S)
- Divide the clients in supermarkets and big wholesalers in experiences in the market and compare them with the mission and vision (their requirement) of Nestle
- Targeting (T)
- Nestle is focusing on huge distributors with a huge market share and long experience in the market for instance supermarkets like Jumbo, Albert Heijn and wholesalers like Hanos
- Positioning ( see below)
Neste uses the following positioning strategy
To find out what kind of positioning strategy Nestle uses, I used the positioning explanation in the PowerPoint of
chapter 8 (Targeting and positioning) that is made by Mr. Tartarin and Mr. S.
van Renssen. (Mr. Tartarin, 2016)
The best strategy that fits with the Nescafe coffee is the Transformational positioning / Lifestyle positioning.
If we look at the website of Nescafe the coffee is describes as follows; It all starts with a Nescafe.
The best strategy that fits with the Nescafe coffee is the Transformational positioning / Lifestyle positioning.
If we look at the website of Nescafe the coffee is describes as follows; It all starts with a Nescafe.
The basic conditions for effective segmentation of the market are: Responsive, Accessible, Sustainable, Measurable. If we
link this with Nestle it will looks like as follows
Responsive (How distributers or consumers will
react to the message)
Distributors will react because the market
share of Nestle and will connect Nestle to sell their products (marketing for
this is brand name and market share)
Consumers will react by purchasing more coffee
of Nescafe, the reason can be promotions or commercials
Accessible (how will the message reach the
consumer or distributor)
- Distributors will be interested and will connect Nestle by themselves if they like to be the distributors. If Nestle find a prospect they can does not need to make big message to this prospect they can use his brand name and experiences in the market as USP
- Consumers; they will use television or social media although not in every country they have access to this technology so they can use some image in bus station or train station or in supermarket because the target consumers will be at this places daily
- The distributors should be a huge company and with a long experience in the market, this will be also profitable for nestle this means the distributor have long experience and loyal clients who will purchase a huge amount
- Consumers: the price of the coffee is not expensive almost every consumer can purchase this coffee and it is a routine response behavior the purchase of coffee of Nescafe is reasonably stable. So, the forecast will be approximately the same as previous period
- Clients: evaluate a period without using a marketing mix and evaluate a period with using a marketing mix and see what kind of result it have
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Powerpoint: Ch 8: Targeting & Positioning. Saxion.
Nescafe. (2016, 11 23). https://www.nescafe.nl/.
Opgehaald van
https://www.nescafe.nl/: https://www.nescafe.nl/
Nestle. (2016, 11 23). Distributors
. Opgehaald van http://www.nestle.com/:
Nestle. (2016, 11 23). Nestle.
Opgehaald van Nestle.com: www.nestle.com
Youtube . (2016, 11 23). #StayStarted
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Opgehaald van
youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVsHd1XaIiM
Youtube. (2016, 11 23). NESCAFÉ
Cartoonist TVC . Opgehaald van https://www.youtube.com/:
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