woensdag 16 november 2016

Marketing research

Hallo Nestle Nescafe lovers,

In this week, I will inform you more about two marketing research companies and what kind of advantages it has for Nestle.

The first marketing research company is Nielsen.
Nielsen is a marketing research company who provide trends and habits of the consumers worldwide. All kind of companies can purchase this data from Nielsen. The data from Nielsen is reliable because they are providing information of consumer in more than 100 countries, for each country they have different data. The data will be changed every year.  (http://www.nielsen.com, 2016)

Nestle can purchase data about the trends and habits of the consumers in a specific country. For instance, how they behave before they are going to purchase a good or where the potential clients are vested.

They can use this consumer data and in the marketing plan or to make for instance. In the end this will result in an increase in the revenue.

Nestle can use this data and fit it in their marketing plan for instance, this kind of date is useful to make big decision and use this data to make effective decisions. 

The 2th marketing research company is GFK.

If Nestle would like to know what the needs are from the clients and how they behave before they purchase a good, they can purchase data from Nielsen and use this data to make decision. 
This information from Nielsen is reliable because they are providing this information for more than 100 countries every country has habitants with other needs and behavior, and the information will be changed every year.
If Nestle purchase this information they can see how the clients will behave before they purchase a good and how to use this in advantage and increase their revenues 
The 2th marketing research company is GFK. GFK is a marketing research company who provide relevant market and consumer information to companies, with this information clients of GFK can make smart decision. GFK turns big data in smart data, clients can use this smart data to improve their competitive edge and consumer’s choices and experiences. (http://www.gfk.com, 2016)
Nestle can use this data from GKF to see how the market looks like nowadays in a specific country. For instance, it will give an overview of the total market, competitors, clients, where the potential clients are and how they behave.

With this data, Nestle can see if it suitable to sell these products from Nestle in this country and Nestle can use this data to improve their competitive advantage, consumer choices and experiences in this specific country.

I made a short questionnaire that Nestle can use to research consumers attitudes towards Nestle
I used the following types of questions: Open questions, dichotmos, multiple choice and like scale questions.


1. Do you know the brand Nescafe?
a, Yes -- b, No

2. Where did you hear for the first time of the brand Nescafe?
a. TV – b, Newspaper – c, Relations – d, Radio – c, Social media – d, Supermarket
e, not sure – f, haven’t heard it before – g, Other_____

3. What was your first image of Nescafe?
a, excellent – b, very good – c, its oke – d, needs improvement, they need to improve_____

4. What do you about think the price and quality of this brand coffee?
a, excellent – b, very good – c, its oké – d, needs improvement, they need to improve _____

5. How much coffee do you drink in a day and how often do you purchase coffee in a week?
a, once a week – b, twice a week – c, 3 to 4 times a week – d, other ______

6. What was your first experience after you drink Nestle café?
a, excellent – b, very good – c, its oké – d, needs improvement (feedback _____)

7. What kind of coffee brands do you know?
{open question}

8. Would you recommend coffee from Nestle?
A, Yes! – b, No!

9. If you should grade between 1 and 10 for the taste of coffee from Nestle what kind of grade will? {grade}

10. If you can change one thing in the packaging what should you change?
{open question}

11. What do you expect from Nestle and his coffee?
{open question}

12. If you should grade between 1 and 10 the coffee from Nestle what should you give?

The objectives of this questionnaires is as following:
- Brand positioning
- Consumers behavior
- Consumers needs and expectations


http://www.gfk.com. (2016, 11 10). Overview GFK. Opgehaald van www.GFK.Nl: http://www.gfk.com/nl/over-gfk/overview/
http://www.nielsen.com. (2016, 11 10). About us. Opgehaald van www.nielsen.com: http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/about-us.html
http://www.snapsurveys.com/. (2016, 11 10). attitude surveys the likert scale and semantic differentials. Opgehaald van http://www.snapsurveys.com/: http://www.snapsurveys.com/blog/attitude-surveys-the-likert-scale-and-semantic-differentials/
S. Dibb, L. S. (2016). Marketing concepts and strategies. Cengage learning.
Tartarin, M. (2016, 11 8). Powerpoint.

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